I made a stand for our outboard engine!
No, we haven't got the boat or the outboard yet...but we do now have somewhere to store and work on the engine, when we're allowed to go and pick Valentine up from her current owner. Soon hopefully - fingers crossed!
Here is page 1 of the plans I found for free on the web. Thanks to the designer, D.Hayes Jr, for making them available. I made a few changes to my version of this build; a narrower 'step' at the front to accommodate the boat's small battery and I changed all the dimensions from inches to millimetres, as timber is measured this way in the UK. I also didn't have any 2x6, so used 3 pieces of 2x4 instead.
Here's the model drawn on the SketchUp CAD software. Again, this is free software, if you are happy to use the 2017 version which is more than adequate for my needs. If you'd like to view the model online in 3D have a look here.
Finished product being tested at 3x the weight of the engine!
Update...we have picked up Valentine! She's such a beautiful boat! Today, in snow (!), we removed the engine and brought it home for servicing, in the warm. The engine stand works!
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