Valentine has new internal lights! As we plan to do overnight stays on board and after working hard on the recent rewiring it seemed a good idea to fit something to use some of all that stored battery power. However, the sun was so bright this morning that, even with one of the lights on, she was making more electricity than she was using! Wires cunningly concealed behind the ceiling carpet join, which I've left hanging for now to check the mounting is secure. Lights are screwed into 18mm plywood which itself is bonded to the GRP inner skin using a strange putty-like adhesive I found in Wickes. It seems to work ok! Lights are then mounted through the carpet so as to look as tidy as possible. Lights are on short bendy stalks so Marianne can get her head into a book when it's dark outside.
Yes, you can just about see our new loo! It's ok, it's going to be hidden away under the entrance step once I've figured a way of fitting it there. Self sufficient for over-nights!
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